7ME3723-2GF12-1UB3-Z A62+B50+E14+F12 SIEMENS7ME37232GF121UB3ZA62B50E14F12

SITRANS FS230 Clamp-On Highly accurate flow meter in the industrial sector for water supply, for crude oil or petroleum products or for gas transport in pipelines Transmitter FST030 Sensor FSS200 for gas/liquid on steel /stainless steel pipes, optimized for average medium temperature higher 80°C (176°F), specification range: -40°C to +121°C (-40°F to 250°F) Outer pipe diameter >127 - 203 mm (5.0 - 8.0 in) Pipe wall thickness >3.0 - 4.1 mm (0.12 - 0.16 in) Mounting straps slotted (stainless steel), includes spacer-bar (Aluminum) Dual Path (two sensor pairs) Sensor: 7ME39505GL21 (FSS200, HP-B2HC-T2, Liquid/Gas) Standard Wall mount enclosure with internal DSL-modul, aluminum - epoxy coated IP 67, NEMA 4X, internal universal power supply 24 - 240 V DC/AC (50 / 60Hz), for 1 - 2 path 9 cable entries M20x1.5 thread ATEX: Sensors + external DSL Zone 0, 1 , 2; Wall mount enclosure Zone 2 Illuminated display sensor keys Cable glands nickel plated brass M20x1.5, 5 + 6 blind glands Gas application Modbus RTU (RS485), no Ex, Ex Channel 2+3: Ex,passiv Current/Freq./Pulse