7ME5610-3TC31-2AA1-Z A04+Y17 SIEMENS7ME56103TC312AA1ZA04Y17

SITRANS FM Transmag 911/E Full-bore electromagnetic flow sensor, flanged, diameter DN 15 to DN 1000 (1/2" to 40"), AC-excited. Suitable for volume flow measurement of liquids (conductive), for use in heavy-duty applications like pulp & paper stock over 3%, mining slurries with magnetic particles. Remote DN100, 4 Inch EN 1092-1, PN 16 (DN 65 - 1000 (2 1/2 Inch - 40 Inch)) Flange material: Stainless steel flanges (1.4571/316Ti) Liner material: Soft rubber Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 . . Metric:Polyamid Terminalbox Hastelloy C276 / 2.4819 grounding electrodes Tag (device parameter, max. 32 characters), plate, stainless steel 304/1.4301; ;